Saturday, January 18, 2014

Twenty Eight . . .

Dream Girl
By Stormcat

     There is this thing that happens when you are asleep
                                                         ( in the wee hours before morning consciousness)
           when your mind mixes up all that has happened from the past, all that is happening in the present, and all that you hope for in the future

                                                 and then your mind makes a dream out of it . . .

           So who is this terrifying woman that I'm about to make love to?

Is she my first wife? My second? One of my ex-girlfriends? One of my almost girlfriends? One of my wished for girlfriends? Or a fictional personification of my perfect mate?

     Dreams are always kind of dark and muddy. Clarity is rare, and when I do actually recognize someone clearly, it is usually someone from my past. People who profoundly intruded into my life.

     I wish it to be the current woman who holds my attention! But I really am quite unsure because the dream is muddy and I only know, when I awake and recall the dream, that if it is her, it is because my heart wants it to be her.

      The woman in my dreams represents what I want the woman in my life to be:

             and slender like me . . .  able to dream and imagine a lovely home-life . . .
loving to be with people and laughing with them . . .
                                                                                  womanly . . . sexy . . .  adventurous . . .
                knowing when to challenge and when to console . . .

         accepting of my compliments knowing they are the truth as I intend them . . .

    knowing that my loving eyes are astute, wise, and trustworthy. . .

knowing that she is the only one I want to be with, because she truly is, 
                                                                                                              my dream girl!

Copyright 2013 All rights reserved

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